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15 Best Copywriting Tips: The Secrets Gurus Keep Hidden

Updated on August 20, 2023

Copywriting is the foundation of any successful creator.

This is THE skill to master before anything else. 

It’s everywhere, and you can’t avoid it.

Blog posts. Sales pages. Tweets. YouTube Scripts. Whatever…

If you’re trying to become a copywriter that makes money…

You only have one job.

Persuading your readers. 

Until you get this right, forget about making a dime online.

In this article, you’re gonna learn my best copywriting tips that can convince a fish to buy water from you.

Alright… I exaggerated a tinsy bit, but you get the point.

Let’s get to it.

Best Copywriting Tips For Writing Compelling Copy

Here are my best copywriting tips for writing compelling copy that most gurus try to keep secret. 

You’re welcome.

  1. Understanding Why People Buy
  2. Find Out Who Is Suffering
  3. Write Like Your Explaining For The First Time
  4. Read Their Mind
  5. Create a Common Enemy
  6. Use Textured Adjectives
  7. Empower Customers With Your CTAs
  8. Avoid Filler Words
  9. Use an Active Voice
  10. Reduce or Remove Commas
  11. Use Humorous Analogies
  12. Avoid Jargon
  13. Use SEO For Web Copywriting
  14. Write Like You Talk
  15. Use Short Sentences

1. Understanding Why People Buy

Most will know:

  • Where customers bought
  • How they bought
  • Who they heard of you from

But hardly anyone focuses on the WHY.

I’ll you tell the why…

Copywriters play to others’ emotions. Not logic. Because that’s what drives purchases by humans.

Think about it.

That new iPhone you bought? You felt like it.

The expensive sushi dinner you had? You felt like it.

That AI copywriting software you subscribed to? You felt like it.

None of it was logical. There’s always a better alternative, but you chose it.

Purchases are made because customers FEEL like the product or service helps them:

  1. Reduce pain
  2. Increase pleasure
  3. Or both

ALWAYS make them FEEL like you are the best option.

2. Find Out Who Is Suffering

Most will tell you… Find your target audience blah blah blah…

Yes, that’s what we are doing too, but I want you to focus on the PAIN.

Avoiding pain is a way stronger motivation to take action than seeking pleasure.

It’s human psychology.

  1. Make $10,000 a month with your blog
  2. Stop losing $10,000 a month with your blog

Both mean the same thing. A net bottom line increase in revenue of $10,000 per month.

But which compels you more? Probably the second one. Right?

Find out:

  • Who is in pain?
  • What are their struggles?
  • Why are they experiencing this?
  • Which common objections can be quelled with your grand slam offer?

You’re more likely to nail your copy focusing on their pain because all you can really do is provide solutions.

But you tend to stray off tangent by targeting their desires.


Because you’ll find yourself trying to sound fancy and click-baity most of the time rather than solving a problem.

3. Write Like Your Explaining For The First Time

No matter who or how knowledgeable the target audience is… write like it’s the first time they hear about it.

Better yet. Assume they are children, and you only have ONE chance to make an impression.

All great copy:

  • Entertains
  • Educates
  • Convinces
  • Feels personal

Note: If your “copy” is neither of the above, that’s just a random thought.

Whether you write a 3,000-word article or a 50-character CTA, it should follow a natural conversational flow that takes a reader from “Unaware” to “Most Aware.”

  • Unaware: They aren’t aware of their desire or need to solve their problem.
  • Most Aware: They know your product/service and what it does but hasn’t decided to buy.

Here are the steps you should follow:

  1. Invoke interest
  2. Elaborate on it
  3. Present a solution
  4. Support with evidence
  5. Address possible objections
  6. Close off with a clear CTA

4. Read Their Mind

No, you’re not Professor X.

But the best copywriting hits so close to home that customers feel like you’re reading their minds.

Ever searched for a question online and you just happened to come across an Ad that answers that?

You’re like, “F*ck! Apple/Android has been listening to my conversations! How did they know!”

You’re probably right… They might have heard your conversations or seen your search history.

That’s why you’re getting targeted ads.

But that’s not the point…

Why does the copy resonate?

Because it quotes the target audience’s exact words and frustrations back at them.

It makes them feel:

  • Understood
  • Heard
  • Seen

Where do copywriters find these?

Here are some places:

  • Customer calls
  • Negative reviews on competitor sites or Amazon
  • Forums like Reddit, Quora or even Twitter

Nail this, and I promise your copy will automatically be more compelling.

5. Create a Common Enemy

Ever wondered why the majority of copy fail? 

Because there’s a disconnect between the message and the reader’s current struggle.

Both sides are fighting different battles, which results in no empathy and relatability.

So the best way to do this is to have a common enemy or perspective.

Make it seem like both of you are going through the same thing.

Want more credibility?

Add your own experience. But don’t lie of course.

Emphasize how you experienced the same problem and pains you are trying to solve for them. 

They are more likely to listen if you’re relatable. 

6. Use Textured Adjectives

Texture adjectives and verbs to let the audience “feel” behind a screen.

I know it sounds stupid. But hear me out…

It emphasizes certain words and brings more attention to them.

  • Check out this luxurious scarf โ†’ Check out this velvety scarf
  • A simple interior โ†’ A rustic interior
  • This fun party โ†’ This sizzling party
  • Including keywords everywhere โ†’ Peppering keywords everywhere

Copywriting is all about invoking emotions.

And this is just one of the easy little tweaks to keep readers engaged and emotionally primed for a purchase.

7. Empower Customers With Your CTAs

You may already know a CTA (Call to Action) should be actionable. Or they should be tailored.

Yes, that’s true.

Most customers won’t do anything next unless you tell them exactly what to do next.

The same applies to anything in life. You don’t get if you don’t ask.

But a simple:

  • Click here
  • Signup now
  • Download now

It’s not enough.

You want to make customers feel like they are taking ownership even before buying. 

This is known as the Endowment effect.

It taps into their subconscious and makes them feel they’re claiming what they already own.

In other words.

Make them buy before they buy.

Combine these with action verbs too.

For example:

8. Avoid Filler Words

Filler words are those that don’t contribute additional value to your sentence.

A.K.A Fluff.

This is the biggest contributor to bad copywriting

They make your copy look bulkier, less concise, and less convincing.

These can include:

  • Adverbs: quickly, slowly, loudly, quietly, badly, directly, indirectly. There are either better alternatives or can be removed completely.
  • Weak modifiers: very, really, quite, basically, generally, actually, practically, literally often don’t add much value and can make the copy sound less confident.
  • Redundant pairs: true facts, end result, free gift, personal opinion, advance warning, added bonus are redundant because one word in the pair already implies the other.
  • Hedge words: maybe, perhaps, might, possibly, could can make your copy sound uncertain or evasive.

Note: I still add these occasionally. I’m not perfect. But always remove fillers when possible.

Here are some alternatives to other filler words and phrases:

Original TextAlternatives
as welltoo
thatโ€™s whyyou
on a regular basisregularly
is able tocan
as you can see(Remove)
when it comes toregarding
with these in mind(Remove)
a lot ofmany
on top of thatalso
for instance(Remove)
In essence(Remove)
Filler word alternatives

9. Use an Active Voice

Active voice and passive voice are two different ways of structuring sentences in English.

  • Active voice: The cat chased the mouse. the subject performs the action.
  • Passive voice: The mouse was chased by the cat. the subject receives the action.

While both are grammatically correct, you should use an active voice in all your writing when possible.

Active voice is typically:

  • Clearer
  • More concise
  • More direct

This makes your writing easier to read and understand.

It emphasizes the actor and their actions.

And creates a stronger connection between the reader and the subject.

Passive voice, on the other hand, can often lead to vague or awkward sentences and might obscure who is responsible for an action.

Always opt for an active voice when possible.

10. Reduce or Remove Commas 

This is where most will feel crippled.

I don’t have an exact scientific or linguistic explanation…

But removing or reducing commas will help:

  • Improve readability. Prevents choppiness and makes sentences read more smoothly.
  • Increase pacing. Commas naturally forces readers to pause which reduces retention.
  • Reduces complexity. Introducing multiple clauses with commas will make sentences complex and confusing. 
  • Eliminate fluff. Forced to remove filler and fluff words.

I like to think removing commas act like jumpcuts in a video.

It keeps engagement high by transitioning instantly to the next point. No beating around the bush.

This is the goal of copywriting.

11. Use Humorous Analogies

I don’t like either being just funny or using analogies.

Why not do both?

Think about the iconic sitcom “Friends.”

Friends WallpaperPin

You’ve got Chandler Bing, the king of sarcasm, always ready with a witty one-liner.

Then there’s Ross Geller, the intellectual, often sharing insightful observations about life, love, and dinosaurs.

But who really steals the show?

It’s Joey Tribbiani.

Joey’s unique worldview often leads to hilarious misunderstandings but also surprisingly profound moments.

He makes you laugh and think, often in the same breath.

That’s the power of humorous analogies in copywriting.

They’re the Joey Tribbiani of your text… a delightful blend of humor and insight that makes your message stick.

They catch your audience off guard, make them chuckle, and highlight your point in a memorable way.

It’s like adding chili to chocolate.

It might seem unconventional, but it also makes the dish stand out.

That’s what you want in copywriting.

Pro Tip: Watch Friends.

12. Avoid Jargon

I know you want to sound smart…

Don’t we all?

Using overly technical jargon won’t bring your audience any closer to buying your product.

It might feel like you are educating and nurturing them through a proper funnel.

But it’s actually doing the opposite.

It creates confusion and makes your copy seem less trustworthy.

Like it’s compensating…

Keep things simple and understandable for every potential reader.

13. Use SEO For Web Copywriting

SEO copywriting aims to write for both users and search engines like Google.

Many beginners seem to think copywriting is only for short-form content like Ads and headlines.


It can be for long-form content like blogs too.

It’s stupid only to use one or the other.

Write only for humans. You don’t rank.

Write only for machines. You also don’t rank.

You need both.

But if you want to take it to the next level…

Here’s my SEO copywriting checklist.

14. Write Like You Talk

Whenever you write copy…

Read out loud.

If it sounds cringe or weird…

Start over.

Because that’s not how you talk.

Copywriting needs to:

  • Flow naturally
  • Conversational
  • Colloquial
  • Be full of pronouns

Notice how I’ve been speaking in the first-person and speaking directly to you this whole time?

I’m treating you like a close friend and teaching you from my own experience.

It should feel like both of us are sitting at the bar and having this conversation.

15. Use Short Sentences

It should be obvious by now that’s what I’ve been doing.

But why?

Because people skim.

They don’t read everything.

And don’t lie…

Neither did you.

Huge walls of text are unappealing and suffocating to read.

The important points get drowned out, and your readers may completely miss them.

Keep your sentences light and short to accommodate skimming.

And suck them into focal points using other text formatting options like:

  • Bolding
  • Bulleted lists
  • Italics

Use the Hemingway app as your main content editor and get real-time feedback.

Copywriting Tips (FAQs)

What Are Some Recommended Copywriting Formulas Related to the Creation of Articles and Web Content?

Popular copywriting formulas include PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solution), AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action), and the 4 C’s (Clear, Concise, Compelling, Credible).

Read my article on copywriting formulas for a more detailed explanation.

How Can I Avoid Using Too Much Jargon in My Copywriting?

Replace jargon with everyday words or phrases that your target audience uses. Great copywriting isnโ€™t about showing off your vocabulary. It’s about making it direct, concise and clear for the target audience. Constantly tailor your copy to their awareness levels.

How Important Is Punctuation in Copywriting?

Correct punctuation gives rhythm to your sentence and can change the persuasiveness of your copy significantly. Incorrect punctuation can confuse your reader and make them want to stop reading.

What Are the Benefits of Maintaining Specificity in My Copywriting?

You can use testimonials, case studies, and trustworthy sources to back up your claims. Also, make sure your grammar is impeccable and your message clear. Transparency and honesty are also key to building trust.

How To Improve My Copywriting for Better Search Engine Visibility?

Use keyword research to find your target audience’s queries online. You can incorporate them into your copy for SEO purposes. But prioritize human readers first and don’t keyword stuff.

How Can I Use Adverbs Effectively in My Copy?

Too many adverbs can make your writing seem overly complex. Instead, try to use more precise action verbs to make your content more vibrant and engaging.

Does Using Passive Voice Affect the Quality of My Copy?

Yes, using passive voice can negatively make your writing less engaging and harder to read. You should use an active voice most of the time because it is more straightforward and compelling. However, there are times when using passive voice fits the context better.

Examples include:
โ€ข When the action is more important than the actor. “A cure for the disease was discovered.”
โ€ข When you want to be intentionally vague. “Mistakes were made” is less direct than “We made mistakes.”
โ€ข When you want to maintain a formal or scientific tone.ย “The experiment was conducted…”

How Do CTAs Contribute to Good Copywriting?

CTAs, or Call-to-actions guide your readers, telling them exactly what you want them to do next. No matter if it’s buying your product, reading the rest of an article, or subscribing to a newsletter. They will significantly increase engagement and conversion rates.

How Can I Use Power Words Adjectives in My Copy?

Power words are specific adjectives that can trigger emotional responses. They can make your copy more persuasive and compelling, encouraging people to take action. Examples of power words include “exclusive,” “free,” “guarantee,” etc. Sprinkle them throughout your copy, but always use them in a way that feels authentic and genuine.

What Are the Benefits of Maintaining Specificity in My Copywriting?

Specificity helps your audience understand exactly what youโ€™re offering and how it can benefit them.
It assists in painting a clearer picture of what they can expect from your product or service, making them more likely to buy your product. When you’re specific, you give your reader confidence in your expertise and credibility.

To Sum Up

The ultimate purpose of any piece of copywriting is to convince.

I don’t care if it’s for a sales page, a paper napkin pitch or everything in between.

If you are writing copy…

Your only mission is to persuade a purchase or an action.

So implement these copywriting tips to get those conversions.

Alright, that’s a wrap!

Share this article if gurus made you pay for it.

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About Brendan Aw

I’m an ex-marketing executive for 6 & 7-figures high-growth startups turned writer, creator & entrepreneur. I share my learnings on digital entrepreneurship, personal finance, and remote working while helping run my family’s crystal chandelier business.

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